Friday 23 November 2012

Cost Effective Decoration

Cost Effective Decoration

You don't have to spend a ton of money decorating your home, but everything should be in harmony. Opt for a low-cost theme for your home.

All of us aspire to live in beautiful homes, but most have limited budgets. However, not all decorating needs to be high budget in order to look beautiful. There are various styles you can select from, and do up your home accordingly. Remember, things don't have to be expensive to look good, but they do need to be in harmony with each other.


Paint can serve as a great decorating tool by itself. Painting certain walls in different, strong colours can make a world of difference to your home. However, this can go horribly wrong if you mismatch the colours. It would be best if either you have a good knowledge of colours and are creative and artistic, or if you go through a few interior books and select a color theme from the book. If you see something that you like in a book, try and follow the entire colour theme, and not just part of it, because then you may end up with something you don't like.


You don't need to invest in expensive curious. Even simple items, if well selected to match with the rest of the decor can look just as good. If you select a Moroccan decor for example, instead of investing in expensive Lladro sculptures and crystal decorations, you could purchase an Arabic style kettles and hookahs.


Anyone who's ever tried shopping for chandeliers know that the price of something very pretty and classic with excellent quality crystal, can run into lakhs of rupees. A smaller crystal chandelier can run into tens of thousands of rupees. To cut costs people often opt for cheaper material that imitate the real deal. Instead of doing this, consider going in for something completely different. White paper lanterns that hang low from the ceiling can look very aesthetic. Similarly, you could opt for brass and glass lanterns, wrought iron lanterns or stained glass ones, depending on the rest of your decor.


Chiks are an incredibly cost-effective alternative to curtains, and look great when paired with paper lanters and cane furniture. Other options include flimsy ready-to-hang cotton or organdy curtains. Opt for these curtains in colours to complement the rest of the decor. They make any room look larger, more spacious and airy.


Plants make for extremely cost effective decor. Just place one plant in a corner, and the corner looks complete. You could invest a little in getting decorative plant holders. In addition, plants make any home look warm, cozy and inviting. Unless you are following a strictly modern or minimalist style of decor, considerdecorating your home generously with plants. Get creative and hang planters in corners from the ceilings.


Glass cabinet cupboards can be expensive. Fill it up with crystal, and you're talking about spending over half a lakh of rupees. Instead, opt for something a little more rustic and simple. Wide shelves with no doors are a good option. You could then decorate the shelves with pretty plates, cups, glasses and a kettle. There doesn't have to be heavy carving on your wood for it to look good. Even something simple can look very charming and cozy. 

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