Wednesday 14 November 2012

How To Get Rid Of A Runny Nose

How To Get Rid Of A Runny Nose

What are the causes & symptoms and how to get rid of Runny Nose

Runny nose develops when blood vessels & nasal tissues generate excess of mucous fluid that drains out of your nose or down the back of your How to get rid of a Runny Nosepharynx. It can be caused by a flu, cold or allergies to things like dust, pet dander & pollen or as a reaction to thorns like tobacco smoke. Other thorns, like spicy foods, also can leads to runny nose. Couples of individuals have a persistently runny nose for no evident reason — a state called non allergic rhinitis. It may or may not be followed by nasal congestion.
It is irritating and disquieting, but it generally cures it by on its own. At times it acts as a warning sign of some serious problem. Though, it’s just an annoyance but it can be serious problem in infants. It becomes very essential to know how to get rid of runny nose via medicines or home remedies as in case of emergency you can cure yourself & if it doesn’t work you can consult the doctor.

Consult from doctor if:

  • Symptoms persist for more than 10 days.

  • Have a high fever, especially if it prevails for more than three days.

  • Nasal discharge is green and coupled with sinus pain or fever. This may be a indication of a bacterial infection.

  • Patient of asthma or emphysema, or you are taking immune-suppressing medicines.

  • Have blood in nasal discharge or continuous discharge after a head injury.

Contact from child’s doctor if:

  • Child is less than 2 months & is suffering from high fever.

  • Baby’s congestion or runny nose causes trouble nursing or creates problem in breathing.

Till you contact doctor, try these easy steps to alleviate symptoms:

  • Gently blowing, swallowing and sniffing your nose.

  • If the runny nose is a continuous, fluid discharge, predominantly if escorted by itchy & sneezing or wet eyes, your symptoms might be due to allergic reaction and a nonprescription antihistamine may provide relief. Be sure to abide by the label instructions right manner.

  • For small children or infants, make use of soft rubber suction bulb to tenderly remove any secretions.

Seek these steps to alleviate post-nasal drip – when excess mucus collects in the back of your pharynx:

  • Avoid common thorns like sudden temperature changes & cigarette smoke.

  • Consume plenty of water

  • Use a moisturize

  • Try nasal saline solution sprays or rinses

How to get rid of Runny Nose at home:-

  • Gently & frequently blow the nose to remove excess mucous secretion. If your nostrils get roughened & sore, use a bit of petroleum jelly.

  • Try an antihistamine, only if the cause is due to allergic reaction

  • Consider a combo of antihistamine/ decongestant if your symptoms are heading you very more irritating. These combinations of medications incline to be more operational at easing a runny nose than antihistamines alone. But consult your doctor about either an antihistamine/ decongestant combination is right for you or not.

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