Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Heart Touching Story

There once was a little boy who lived with his mother. They were very poor. The boy was very handsome and extremely smart. As he grew older, he became even more handsome and smarter. However, his mother always remained sad.

Once, the boy asked his mother, “Mother, why are you always sad?” Mother replied, “Son, a fortune teller once told me that whoever has teeth like yours will become very famous.” Then the boy asked, “Will you not like it if I become famous?”

“Oh my son! What kind of mother wouldn’t like it if her son became famous? I’m always sad because I keep thinking that you will forget me and leave me once you become famous.”

Upon hearing this, the boy started to cry. He stood there in front of his mother for a while and then ran out of the house. He picked up a rock from outside and smashed his front two teeth. He started to bleed from his mouth.


His mother ran out and was shocked to see what he had done. She asked, “Son! What did you do?” In reply, the boy held his mother’s hands and said, “Mother, if these teeth cause you pain and make you sad, I don’t want them. They are of no use to me. I don’t want to be famous with these teeth. I want to be famous by serving you, and through your blessings…”
My friends, this boy was none other than the "GREAT Aarya CHANAKYA".

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Honey (Home Remedies using HONEY)

1. To get immediate relief from BURN WOUNDS and help cure the sore fast, apply honey on the wound.
2. To cure any type of SKIN AILMENTS and wounds, apply honey on the affected area.
3. To get relief from SORE MOUTH, apply honey on the sore four times a day.
4. To improve SEXUAL power and avoid ejaculation during sleep/dream, consume honey regularly in moderate quantities.
5. To get Relief from inflammation of the jaws and from toothache, apply honey with a piece of cotton on the affected region four to five times a day.
6. To avoid constipation, consume honey regularly.
7. To improve IMMUNITY to decease in children and make them grow strong, give them honey mixed with fresh milk regularly.
8. Take honey with any medicine to get quick relief, since honey has the power to cure deceases naturally. Honey also works to improve the blood count and acts as a tonic.
9. To get relief from JOINT PAINS, make a paste of Honey and Lime (Chunnam) and apply the paste to the affected region.
10. To stop excessive URINATION take about 3 spoons of pure Honey after dinner every day.
11. To treat COUGH and FEVER in children, mix Honey with juice of Holy basil leaves and give them, twice a day for 3 days.
12. To REDUCE WEIGHT, improve general health and to strength the nerves of obese persons give 4 teaspoons of Honey to them everyday.
13. To induce normal daily bodily functions in patients suffering from DIABETES and TUBERCULOSIS, give Honey to them regularly.
14. To improve DIGESTIVE POWER and BODILY STRENGTH take Honey every morning on empty stomach. This will also get rid of tiredness and lethargy and will enhance endurance.

Cabbage (Home remedies using Cabbage)

2. To STOP GUM BLEEDING and CURE PILES, wash Cabbage and cut it into small pieces and eat it.

Source From http://www.allinmykitchen.com/cabbage-home-remedies-using-cabbage/

Pepper (Home Remedies using Pepper)

1. To get relief from INDIGESTION do the following:
Take 1 teaspoon of roasted pepper, mix it with a hand full of holy basil leaves. Add this to 1 cup of boiling water. After 5 minutes of boiling filter the liquid, add a little honey and drink the same twice a day for 3 days.
2. To cure URINARY and ANAL IRRITATIONS and BURNING SENSATIONS, consume a mixture of powdered pepper grains, jaggery and curd rice.
3. To get relief from MALARIA, boil a serving spoon of powdered pepper and garlic pods for five minutes. Filter the decoction, add a little honey to the filtered liquid and drink 3 times a day for 3 days.
4. To get rid of JAUNDICE, consume a mixture of black pepper, honey and unripe mango. This will activate the Liver and prevent recurrence of Jaundice.
5. To get relief from COMMON COLD, drink warm milk to which sugar and powdered pepper have been added.
6. To QUENCH RECURRING THIRST, take half a spoon of roasted pepper and powder it smoothly. Boil this in two cups of water and cool the liquid. Consume the liquid frequently.
7. To cure COLD, COUGH and THROAT INFECTION, consume a mixture of a quarter spoon of well-powdered pepper and honey twice a day.
8. To treat COUGH, take smoothly powdered pepper and Oregano/ajwain(Om) and a few crystals of salt and keep the mixture in the mouth, suck for some time and swallow.
9. To reduce TOOTHACHE, take well-powdered pepper and massage the gums with the powder, which will induce salivation.
10. To get rid of PIMPLES or ACNE, apply a paste of pepper powder in water to the affected area.
11. To treat INDIGESTION and FLATULENCE(gas problem), boil one dinner spoon of melted cow`s ghee with pepper powder and salt. Consume this mixture with hot rice while taking food.

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Lemon (Home Remedies of Lemon)

1. To get cured from STOMACH ACHE due to Indigestion, drink the juice of a lemon added to a cup of warm water and half a teaspoon of cooking soda.
2. To stop VOMITING, add a spoon of sugar to a spoon of lime juice diluted with water and drink this in small quantities, every half an hour.
3. To get relief from STOMACH UPSET and BURNING SENSATION, squeeze one lemon and add half its quantity of pure castor oil and drink it.
4. To get rid of INDIGESTION, add a pinch of salt to a teaspoon of lemon juice and take it thrice a day.
5. To get relief from PUNGENT BURPING, take the juice of a medium size lemon, mix it with water and drink it.
6. To be cured of DYSENTERY, mix a little lemon juice with one cup of sheep`s milk and drink it.
7. To treat PILES, add the juice of one lemon to a cup of fresh foaming cow`s milk and drink it immediately. Repeat this for 10 days to get complete relief.
8. To ensure smooth bowel movement, mix lemon juice and tender coconut water and drink it.
9. To get rid of BURNING SENSATION in the heart, drink everyday, lime juice mixed with a large glass of cool water.
10. To NORMALIZE BLOOD PRESSURE, do as follows:
Take 30 juicy lemons, cut each of them into two parts and add cooking salt. Dry the mixture well in sunlight for 15 days. Powder the dried mixture and consume a spoon of dried mixture every morning on empty stomach for 30 days.
11. To reduce FEVER, take lemon juice off and on.

Apple (Home remedies using Apple)

1. To improve MEMORY POWER and HELP PHYSICAL development, eat an apple with the peel, only after meals.
2. To strengthen the GUMS and brighten the TEETH, chew an apple everyday.
3.To ENHANCE PHYSICAL STRENGTH, relieve tiredness and strengthen the nervous system eat apple, since it contains Vitamin A, B and C.
4. To prevent PHLEGM and CONGESTION, eat an apple regularly after food every day for 44 days.
5. To get relief from PARTIAL HEADACHE, eat an apple with salt regularly for 20 days.
6. To get rid of PIMPLES and ACNE, take dried and powdered apple and lemon peel, mix it with little milk and apply the paste on the affected area.
7. To stop LOOSE MOTIONS in Breast fed children, take a peeled apple, boil and crush it and filter it. Feed the liquid instead of breast milk to the child.
8. To get PERMANENT RELIEF from ULCERS, drink apple juice regularly over a long period.
9. To get rid of PIMPLES and obtain a healthy skin, apply the apple kernel to the face.
10. To strengthen the nerves or to get rid of nervous debility do as follows: Cut an apple in to small pieces and soak in pure honey for 24 hours. Add rose petals to the mixture and dry it in the sun. After 7 days take the mixture thrice a day, till relief is obtained.
11. To get relief from RHEUMATIC PAINS and LIVER PROBLEMS, eat an apple with the peel everyday.
12. To improve DIGESTION and failing memory, eat an apple everyday. This will also quench thirst.

Coriander (Home Remedies using Coriander)

1. To make PREGNANT WOMEN avoid retching and vomiting, make a fine paste of one teaspoon of coriander seeds in water, which has been used to wash rice and rice removed. Add sugar to the liquid and give it to them.
2. To stop VOMITING, take powdered coriander seeds, squeeze it well in a cup of water, filter the seeds out and add sugar and milk to the decoction and drink it.
3. To get cured from STOMACH ACHE, make a decoction of coriander seeds and dry ginger in water and consume it.
4. To fight IRON DEFICIENCY, use green coriander leaves regularly for lunch and dinner.
5. To prevent TOOTH DECAY and avoid foul smelling mouth, chew green parsley(coriander leaves) regularly.
6. To prevent VOMITING, especially in pregnant women, soak pounded seasoned rice in water, squeeze and filter out the liquid. To 1 cup of this liquid and one spoon of coriander powder, little sugar candy and mix well and filter out to remove the coriander powder. Give this decoction to the patient.
7. To get relief from URINARY IRRITATION, add half spoon of coriander powder with a little jaggery to tender coconut (coconut water) and take it twice a day.
8. To get cured from LIVER PROBLEMS, sour burps and retching and also to improve digestion, regularly drink a decoction of coriander seeds and sugar in water.
9. To get relief from CHEST PAIN, follow this procedure.
Take powdered coriander seeds and soak it in water for a couple of hours. Squeeze the coriander seeds out and mix the liquid with sugar and milk, and drink.
10. To treat PIMPLES and SCARS, take the juice of parsley (coriander leaves), add lemon juice and apply the mixture regularly to the affected area of the skin.
11. To get rid of MOUTH ULCER (soar mouth), take a little coriander powder, mix it with honey, keep the mixture in the mouth and suck the mixture for some time.
12. To get cured from TUBERCULOSIS, respiratory problems and improve lung functioning, take one spoon of juice prepared from parsley (coriander leaves), add one spoon of honey and take it after dinner every night. This also improves brain efficiency.

Cumin Seeds (Home remedies using Cumin Seeds)

1. To get a definite relief from STOMACH ACHE take a teaspoon of fully powdered Cumin seeds, dry ginger and cooking salt and mix it with a glass of warm water. Add half a spoon lemon juice to this mixture and drink it.
2. To treat JAUNDICE, take a bitter lemon, cut it into two halves, add cumin powder and keep this exposed to snow or dew during the night. Next morning squeeze the juice out and take on empty stomach. Stomach ache will also be reduced, if this mixture is taken continuously everyday for two weeks.
3. To get rid of ACIDITY and stop VOMITING, squeez half a lemon into half cup of cool water and add half a spoon of cumin seeds with a pinch of cardamom powder. Mix, stir well and drink it four to five times a day.
4. RASHES due to exposure to sun and heat can be cured as follows:
Take cumin powder, mix it with coconut milk (extracted from scraped coconut) and apply this mixture on the rashes. After half an hour take a warm water bath. Afterwards if you take an oil bath the rashes will not recur.
5. Chewing and eating cumin seeds before taking food improves the APPETITE. Eating cumin seeds after taking food helps easy digestion. Also chewing cumin seeds helps reduce dental decay.
6. Relief from LIVER PROBLEM(Bile problem) is obtained by drinking a decoction of cumin seeds in water to which a pinch of cardamom powder has been added.
7. Smelly loose motions can be stop
ped by following the procedure given below. Mix cumin and coriander seeds in equal proportions and soak the mixture in water for four/five hours. Squeeze and filter the mixture and add sugar to the decoction and consume it to get relief.
8. During PREGNANCY, breast milk production can be enhanced by taking regularly cumin decoction mixed with Honey and milk.
9. To get relief from LIVER PROBLEM, add cumin powder and little common salt to sour buttermilk and drink it.
10. To get cured from Jaundice and Liver related problems, mix half a teaspoon of cumin seeds in half a spoon of Tamarind juice, add Honey and consume for four days.