Sunday 9 December 2012

How to get rid of Wrinkles

How to get rid of Wrinkles

The fine lines and ridges on the skin are termed wrinkles. These are usually caused due to thinning of the epidermal layer or what we call the outer skin layer. According to dermatologists, inner skin layers lose elasticity, fat content and moisture that makes skin look puckered rather than supple and firm. The common reasons for wrinkles are aging, smoking, heredity, excessive dehydration and sun exposure. Wrinkles
Wrinkles can appear anywhere in the body, but the parts that seem most likely to show with aging are the back of the hands, neck, forehead, both sides of the eyes, below the eyes and other parts of the face, and . Men with no hair can also see wrinkles on the scalp. Here are ways to get rid of wrinkles:
Natural way
Several anti-aging and anti-wrinkle creams are available in any beauty shop. Nature has also provided simple and effective cures for wrinkles. Here are the natural ways to treat wrinkles:
  • Lightly massage your skin with castor oil before going to bed at night. With regular use wrinkles will become less prominent. You can also use almond oil and olive oil instead of castor oil.
  • Extract the juice of pineapples and green apple and mix together in a 1:1 ratio. Apply it on the wrinkles and let it dry. Rinse with cold water. This helps clear those fine lines and blemishes. You can also use juice of lemon.
  • Eat healthy foods that are packed with vitamins. Studies suggest that Vitamin A, B, C and E have antioxidant properties that have the ability to slow down the aging process.
  • Apply a paste of turmeric with sugarcane juice. Let it dry and then rinse off. This prevents wrinkles from becoming prominent.
There are two treatments available to remove wrinkles – surgical procedures and through medicated creams and gels. The cosmetic procedures include botulinum toxin injections (popularly called botox), collagen fillers, glycolic acid and salicylic acid peels, dermabrasion, laser resurfacing and plastic surgery. If you wish to consider these expensive treatments, you can consult a cosmetic specialist. Dermatologists usually start with giving milder to stronger medications and only suggest these procedures if wrinkles are persistent. Here are the medical ways to get rid of wrinkles:
  • Alpha hydroxyl acids are important components in anti-wrinkle creams. These are actually acids derived from fruits and are prescribed for mild wrinkles
  • Vitamin A Acid or Tretinoin based cream is the most effective medical treatment for wrinkles. The side effects of peeling and redness of skin go away on prolonged use. Dermatologists start with a small concentration of the tretinoin, gradually increasing it as the skin adjusts to it.
  • Antioxidants are prescribed either in the form of cream or as oral medication. These reduce the speed of oxidation resulting in the prevention of wrinkles.

Freedom from Wrinkles

  • You must nourish your skin with a rich face cream to minimize the formation of wrinkles.
  • Moisturize your skin frequently when you have to stay in an air conditioned room.
  • Be careful while applying and removing eye make up.
  • Avoid the scorching Ultra Violet rays of the sun. Use a good sunscreen. Always carry a parasol or sunshade. Sunglasses protect the eye area.
  • Reduce smoking if you have to retain your youthful appearance for a longer time.
  • Meditation and yoga are the most effective ways of wrinkle control.
  • Drink milk regularly.
  • Blend together two teaspoons of olive oil, rich cream and honey. Apply this mixture on the face and notice the difference.
  • A face mask comprising of egg yolk is beneficial for your skin.
  • Prepare this anti wrinkle mask for your skin. Mix sugarcane juice and turmeric powder and keep on the face for 15 minutes.
  • Coconut oil is very effective in reducing wrinkles.
  • Eat a mixture of chopped ginger and honey daily. You should preferably consume this at sunrise.
  • Make a lotion from castor oil and egg white. Apply this soothing mixture to your face.
  • Rub lemon juice, mashed apple and cucumber juice to the wrinkled parts of your skin for an effective remedy.
  • Make a juicy pulp by crushing grapefruit and apply this on to your facial skin.
  • Ripe banana pulp and emu oil are also good for wrinkles.
The best remedy for wrinkles is to eat right and use a medication or natural way (any that you choose) regularly. Certain precautions also need to be taken to stop wrinkles from returning:
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol. These increase the appearance of wrinkles
  • Avoid over rubbing your skin while washing. This looses the skin prematurely.
  • Use cold or normal water instead of warm or hot water while washing
  • Avoid going out in the sun without sunscreen and sun protection like umbrella and sun glasses

1 comment:

  1. Two years ago, some facial wrinkles also gave me 'headaches' and according to my dermatologist they were caused by smoking and sun exposure. To eliminate them, I finally went through a botox in St. Catharines. By using these botox injections, I really got the best results possible! I'm very happy to look and feel young again!!!
